a day in the life of..

this blog was started just for fun.. that was then.. this is now.. things have been crazy the last few months.. but i am back.. in more ways than one :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

me! :)

So.. this is me.. and some friends of mine at a party a few months ago.. i wonder if they'll mind that they're on the web?? Oh well.. all publicity is good publicity.. that's what they say, right?? Anyway.. c'est moi.. i can't figure out other ways to upload pics.. so this will have to do for now..

signing off (for tonight)
nounou :)


  • At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i always tried to figure out who was in your msn pic.

  • At 9:41 AM, Blogger nounou :) said…

    the person in the pic with me is one of my really good friends in mexico city, we call him Beto as well as baby curly honey bunny.. because he's like 22!! :)


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