for 2007...
hey everyone.. does anyone actually still read this?? i wonder.. hmm.. oh well.. if you're still reading.. then you must either love the way i write.. or be related to me in some way.. i'm guessing it's the second! :)
anyway.. i hope that you all had a very merry christmas and that your holiday season is going well.. as for me.. it's all good.. i went down to mexico city to spend the holidays with the family.. came back up here a few days ago (with a plane that lost an engine before take-off.. fun, i tell you!).. and tomorrow will be flying up to san francisco with the boyfriend..
so.. it's almost another year.. let's see here are my lists on 2006..
the best parts:
the roomie.. she's great to live with
the boyfriend.. enough said..
joining the gym (i still need to make that part of my routine)
being legal
the worst parts:
a job i am way too overqualified for but that i can't leave because of above-mentioned "legality"
applying for jobs and knowing that this same visa situation will be an issue
it's my last year in my '20s and i'm nowhere near where i wanted to be by 30
what i want to accomplish next year:
get a new job
figure out my relationship
accomplish some of my "to do" list.. the contents of which are TOP SECRET! :P
be nicer to people that i'm close to
try to express myself a bit better
accept people for who and what they are.. no changes..
make some sort of difference in this world
get information and get started on getting a teaching certificate
be a better salsa dancer
that's the plan.. we'll see if i get any of it done in the next 12 months and 3 days.. fingers crossed..
anyway.. i hope that you all had a very merry christmas and that your holiday season is going well.. as for me.. it's all good.. i went down to mexico city to spend the holidays with the family.. came back up here a few days ago (with a plane that lost an engine before take-off.. fun, i tell you!).. and tomorrow will be flying up to san francisco with the boyfriend..
so.. it's almost another year.. let's see here are my lists on 2006..
the best parts:
the roomie.. she's great to live with
the boyfriend.. enough said..
joining the gym (i still need to make that part of my routine)
being legal
the worst parts:
a job i am way too overqualified for but that i can't leave because of above-mentioned "legality"
applying for jobs and knowing that this same visa situation will be an issue
it's my last year in my '20s and i'm nowhere near where i wanted to be by 30
what i want to accomplish next year:
get a new job
figure out my relationship
accomplish some of my "to do" list.. the contents of which are TOP SECRET! :P
be nicer to people that i'm close to
try to express myself a bit better
accept people for who and what they are.. no changes..
make some sort of difference in this world
get information and get started on getting a teaching certificate
be a better salsa dancer
that's the plan.. we'll see if i get any of it done in the next 12 months and 3 days.. fingers crossed..
At 6:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
You were right just the ones related or the ones who love you ...All the best for the new year I am sure you will accomplish some of the good goals you have in mind...have a nice trip to San Fran ,find the best job and be HAPPY........Love you MOM
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