ok.. so i lied..
i DO have a daughter.. she's not the one in the pic on the right.. but this is her pic here... she has been around for about 21 years now.. and today, my 1/3 turns 21!!!!!!!!! And people.. she is an awesome awesome girl.. she's smart.. super funny... a total freakshow.. super hot (even pinky, who's her cousin wants to date her!) and basically i'm a proud momma.. she wasn't always this way though.. i mean.. just go to pinky's blog and you will see what she really used to be like.. and people.. pinky's blog is SUPER accurate and does not entail ANY exxagerations.. seriously though!!!
Ohhhhhh.. but where to start.. i have no idea where to begin.. but here are some reya facts.. y'all ready??
1. when she was little she ate white rice with soy sauce.. she even had her own set of dishes at my house because she basically lived there
2. she blamed pinky for anything and everything that went wrong.. even when pinky was NOWHERE around.. don't worry though.. pinky got her back in a variety of ways.. picture a baby flying into their own playpen
3. on Halloween, she scared the crap out of herself when she saw herself dressed up as minnie mouse
4. on Christmas, when her dad was dressed up as Santa.. she had a heart attack and ran screaming from one room to the next to get away from him!
5. she would call me "momma" to get her way.. and that one she didn't admit to till a few weeks agoooooo!! i was fooled people..
6. when she was like 3 or 4 she got run over by her own christmas gift and to get revenge.. a few weeks later.. while visiting the afore-mentioned "criminal".. she got revenge by trying to drown her.. note: we didn't try to stop her.. it was pure entertainment for us
7. When she was 6 or 7.. that age where the rest of us look like we got hit in the face repeatedly by some metal object.. she was still cute.. even to the extent of having a "reya likers club".. oh yeah.. the boys in her class pooled their money together and got her a gift.. imagine that one????
8. she moved back home to Lebanon for a few years.. came back with an accent that we have NEVER let her live down..
9. she had her first zima in a dark park with a bunch of 15 year olds.. meaning she was like 8.. and she got drunk.. and we laughed
10. she's in college now.. and here's a quote "i got raped by my theology test".. know anyone else that expresses things that way?
11. she thinks that she's going to marry every single guy she dates.. and she thinks that pinky and i.. if we mention someone.. will be getting married to them too.. she's cute :)
Here's the thing though.. she gets away with everything.. because you let her.. because you want her to.. and the whole time you're rooting her on because she's just so adorable that you can't even imagine doors not opening up for her wherever she turns.. she's the baby.. and i'm the momma.. and i love love love her! :)
momma nounou
At 9:55 AM, Anonymous said…
She IS awesome and so are you for writing that kind of bullshit.
At 12:51 PM, Anonymous said…
ps i feel so popular.
At 12:52 PM, Anonymous said…
clearly im not the smartest person ever, i accidently deleted my own comment..
secretly you are my favorite momma! well not so secretly anymore, but i think im ready to come out and say it anyway! ahhaah happy birthday to me!
ps rice and soy sauce is nasty.
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