hula-hoop olympics..
Anyway.. back to the hula-hoop.. we decided to pretend that i was in the olympics and she was the pretend commentator.. comments like "as she goes for a release move.. ohhhhhhhh.. there goes the hula!!!" Anyway.. because of the fact that i was so good at it.. and she's super competitive, she decided to give it a shot.. and ladies and gents.. let's just say that she was not as good as one would expect.. ahahahahaah.. the fact is that she has some issues with her aiming skills.. so she would throw the hula up.. and it would go everywhere but straight up.. eventually though, she got it down.. So.. on to the highlight of my month.. because we turned this into a contest.. we needed to have a winner.. and in order to do that, we needed an impartial judge.. hence my dad being dragged into our mock-olympics.. I went first.. threw my hula up up up.. and then when it came back down, i was all.. hell yeah.. beat that!! And then D went.. she threw it up up up.. and was hell-bent on catching it when it came back down.. and since it wasn't coming down straight.. since she didn't throw it straight.. she was forced to run backwards to try and catch it.. Mind you, we were playing in the garden.. there are rocks, trees, flowers and all kinds of potential hazards there.. I noticed that she was getting really close to one of the trimmed hedges.. it was like seeing something in slow-motion.. the hula coming down.. her still going backwards.. her foot catching on the ledge.. one shoe flying off.. a final jump in an attempt to catch the hula.. and a huge crash down.. the only thing i saw, where her legs sticking out from behind the shrubs.. one shoe on.. Maybe most of you would have wanted to check on her to make sure she was ok.. but not i.. that's what a 20-year friendship does to you.. i just fell on the floor and laughed and laughed and laughed.. i'm actually still laughing!!!!
Oh, what i wouldn't have given to have a camera there at the moment.. oufffffffff.. :)
happy new year y'all!!
nounou :)
may all your wishes / dreams come true..