a day in the life of..

this blog was started just for fun.. that was then.. this is now.. things have been crazy the last few months.. but i am back.. in more ways than one :)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

on the road again..

so i'm off to nyc tomorrow night.. departing LAX at 11:15 pm.. and arriving there at like 7:30 am.. it's perfect.. except for the fact that i don't sleep on planes so i might look like a bit of a zombie throughout the weekend.. it's all good though.. these are my bestest friends.. they can handle it :)

it's going to be great to be away for a few days.. forget about the immigration stuff.. forget about my job.. forget about everything that has some responsibility attached to it.. basically, i'm going to be a total kid this weekend.. well, a kid with a car.. thanks brendan! :)

the reason for the trip is that dima's graduating (from RISD no less.. that's for you jb!!) 3 long years.. endless hours in studio and she's coming out an architect.. go dima!! needless to say, i'm super proud of her.. she's going to kick ass.. and when i have all the money in the world (hey, let me dream).. she can design my house in whichever part of the world i'll be living in.. :)

so, some of the things that i need to do before leaving for the airport tomorrow are:
1. mani / pedi (clearly i have my priorities in order)
2. find shoes to match what i'm wearing
3. pack (that won't take more than 20 minutes)
4. finalize the paperwork my lawyer needs (notice that's #4 on the list???)
5. get the oil changed on my car (i was supposed to do that this morning, but i thought sleep was more important)

i'm sure there's some stuff i'm forgetting.. but it's all good, the roomie's leaving tomorrow as well.. but she won't be coming back till august! :( so.. who knows what my situation will be by then.. it's kind of "grounding" to realize how much your entire life can change in a few weeks..

"grounded" nounou

Monday, May 29, 2006

the shortest week ever..

happy memorial day everyone!! :) this was a pretty good weekend in general.. i saw sc on friday night.. hung out with maria and like 7 other girls on saturday night (a blog soon to come on pretty / smart / funny / "together" single girls in LA).. stayed at home last night.. and went out for lunch with sc today.. all in all.. good :)

the roomie leaves for location on thursday.. and i'll be going to nyc (actually providence but landing in nyc) that same night.. one of my best friends is graduating.. and i always knew she could do it.. and now she knows she did :)

i'm trying to stay positive though it's really not that easy to considering all the stuff that's happening.. but you do what you need to do, right? we'll see.. my future will pretty much be determined in the next 6 weeks.. how disturbing is that?? yeah.. scary.. i still need to talk to my boss about this..

anyway.. we'll see what ends up happening.. i'll keep y'all posted.. maybe i shouldn't have blogged today since i don't really have anything to say? :)

till i have something real to say..
nounou :)

oh yeah.. about the title.. so it's the shortest week because i'm only working 3 days.. woohooooooo.. bring it onnn! :)

Friday, May 26, 2006

memorial day weekend..

A loooooooooooong weekend finally!! Even i have off on this one.. and am i taking full advantage of it.. nope.. but check out some people who are.. the two girls i work with.. one of them planned a trip to hawaii with a bunch of other girls.. so yeah.. can you say PARRTYYYYYY?? And the other one.. didn't have any plans as of this morning.. so she went out for lunch with her boyfriend (who just moved to LA to be with her.. it's cute!).. and then they both came back to the office.. the boss left at 10:15 today.. why even bother coming in? Ahahahahahah.. anyways.. so he came back from lunch with her because some ultimate cage fighter was here.. randy couture (sp. ?).. i had never heard of him.. but he's some big deal guy in that arena.. anyway.. so her bf came in to try to catch a glimpse.. and while he was here.. they decided.. hey.. why the hell not.. and booked a flight to Hawaii as well!! So.. it was about 1:15.. their plane was taking off at 4:55 and there goes their weekend.. how awesome is that?????? :)

Anyway.. that's what my co-workers are up to.. and i am going to get some major stories come Tuesday :) As for me.. tonight i need to de-stress.. which in this case will mean.. go home.. take a loooong shower.. get in comfy pjs.. watch something on tv.. read an easy book.. anything that's going to keep my mind occupied from the current situation.. i know, it's the most mature way to go.. :) Tomorrow night, i did have plans to go out.. and i still do.. but the "group" has changed.. it's my roomie's last weekend in town before she goes off on location for a bit over 2 months.. so 4 of us are going out to a girls' night out dinner.. it's the same 4 that were supposed to go to that salsa club a few months ago.. so we'll see if this time it actually DOES end up happening.. regardless.. the roomie and i are going out.. even if they bail.. but i hope they don't because they're fun fun fun :)

What else? Oh.. i need to get something for the graduation next week as well.. a gift for deemers.. and then something kinda nice to wear as well.. you know.. any excuse to go shopping! :) So.. that's the plan as of now.. bring on the weekend babyyyyyyyy!!!!

nounou :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006


so i've been found out.. sc reads my blog.. initially he didn't want to.. he tried not to.. but it's like a major accident that you just can't look away from.. that's how my blog is.. you see.. i told y'all it was THAT good!! ahahahahaha.. anyway.. what do i think of that?? well.. i haven't gone back to re-read everything i've said.. but there are some things that i've said that i might cringe just a bit for saying, but it was the 100% unbiased truth at the time (at least how i saw it)..

anyway.. what does it all mean? it means that he knows me better than i thought he did.. it also means that he knows that even though i'm pretty calm and collected like 95% of the time.. i still have doubts and sometimes think like a total girl (yes, it's true).. and most importantly.. it means that we are both mature enough.. well, i use "mature" loosely to have a conversation that's super awkward and make it through feeling much better about where we stand.. it works for us.. for now.. so it's all good.. :)

on semi-solid ground,
nounou :)

you all know i'm going to go back and read everything i've ever said about sc, right??? ahahahahah.. oh.. wow..

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

kitty and shitty

so when d and i were younger.. we had identical stuffed animals.. except for that one of them had a brown mark on its cute kitten nose.. hence.. kitty and shitty.. it's been a running joke between us for years..

the other day.. i got an e-mail that had the picture you see in it.. and it just reminded me of shitty and kitty.. aka.. pinky and the brain.. aka.. i'm the hysterically laughing one.. and she's the one in the background that's sad because i probably just called her crazy.. yet again.. ahahahahahahah

everytime i look at this picture it cracks me up.. so maybe it'll do the same for you.. i know that brofo's weirded out by it.. he claims that the hysterical kitten's body is eerily still.. and i don't know.. maybe it is.. but in my mind that's just the beginning of the laughter.. after that.. that kitten's going to fall on her back and kick her legs out.. this was the pre-shot.. sad how i really do think that..

it's just like in radio flyer.. where the little brother DOES make it.. his red wagon DOES turn into a plane.. and he really DOES send those postcards back from all the world.. yeah.. brofo and sc.. you hear that.. he MADE it..

back to la la land..
nounou :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

oh.. monday..

it's the beginning of yet another week.. i had a pretty strange weekend with people coming back from the past (ciao alex.. your solidarity with sc got me thinking and speaking of which you know about sc.. so now who's f.?) .. not really the far past.. but like 3 months ago.. this guy i met in a bar sent me a text on friday night.. i've been kind of avoiding him for the last few months because of southern comfort.. and you know.. you shouldn't do that to someone.. or so i've heard.. so that guy asked me to go out and party on friday night with him.. i said no.. thinking that i wouldn't want sc to take a girl up on that offer.. and you know.. they say what goes around comes around.. and i thought.. that i'd be seeing sc the following night.. saturday night.. and in the almost 3 months we've dated.. we have yet to hang out on a saturday night.. or a friday night for that matter (except my birthday).. kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?? Ok.. it's true that 6 of the 9 weekends one of us wasn't in LA.. so fine.. there's that to consider as well.. but this past weekend.. we were both in town.. and we didn't hang out.. so what does that tell me?

1. it doesn't mean anything.. it just hasn't worked out to meet up on those days.. (guy-speak)
2. he has a better time hanging out with his boys (totally possible)
3. he's dating other girls (highly unlikely)
4. he thinks that i don't care if i see him on the weekends or not..

Number 4 is what's got me thinking.. i know that i SHOULD see him on weekends.. that's how it's done when you're dating someone.. that's when you have more free time.. that's when you can sleep late.. and wake up even later.. it all makes sense.. so with that being said.. why do i not even really care as much as my friends do or would?? I mean.. yeah.. it would be fun to do something with him on the weekends.. but i am not DYING to spend that time with him.. which takes me back to the bar guy.. he asked me out for next saturday night.. would it be wrong if i went? I don't think so.. i think that sc and i are whatever we are.. between sunday - wednesday.. thursdays i have my salsa class.. and my weekends are not spent with him anyway.. so this next saturday night.. i'm going out with the bar guy.. and i have no doubt that it's going to be fun fun fun.. and i don't feel bad about it.. should i? Would you?

thinking.. nounou..

oh.. one more thing before i go.. a SUPER special shout-out to my girlies deemers and soosoo.. Happy Happy Birthday to both of you.. i know neither one reads my blog.. but whatever, they're special girls in VERY different ways.. and deemers.. i'm SUPER proud of you and your upcoming graduation!!!!!!!! :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

voodoo trumps rastafarian!

so southern comfort got into a minor car accident the other day on his way to work at like 5:00 in the morning.. he's fine and all that.. but the person that hit him pulled the "race card" when sc called the police.. basically southern comfort is the whitest white boy in the world.. and the person that hit him is the total opposite of that.. and started this whole racist fight calling sc a "rich white boy" because of his car and all that.. to make a long story short.. as they were both getting back into their cars after exchanging information, the guy looks at southern comfort and literally spews out a rastafarian curse.. and sc just smiles and gets back in his car.. and in the back of his mind is all.. "i'm from louisiana.. voodoo trumps rastafarian".. oh, how right he is.. in many many ways :)

nounou :)

oh yeah.. on my last blog about how smart y'all are.. i noticed that i received NO comments.. not one.. silence is golden i guess.. or could it be that you got NONE of them right?? ahahahahah :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

how smart are you?

so how smart are y'all??

The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be a professional. Scroll down for each answer. The questions are NOT that difficult. But don't scroll down UNTIL you have answered the question!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the refrigerator?

Wrong Answer.

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend.... except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory.

Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities.

4. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong, but many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four-year-old.

So.. should i go and look for new friends in kindergarden or did you get some of them right.. be honest!! :) I bet Denny would have gottten them right.. booooooohoooooooooo :( He's the best.. (real or not real mama)

Anyway.. back to reality.. i am seeing southern comfort tonight.. and having the "immigration" talk.. we'll see how he handles it.. and i am trying NOT to make a test out of this.. but if he's super cool with what i say.. that's a strike.. and sorry.. all girls out there know what i mean..

going for the pitch.. and he's going for the swing.. (how appropriate since he's a baseball player.. ahahahahah)
nounou :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

from the after-life..

so denny died.. and here i am.. blogging from the "other side" just like i said i would.. i seriously cannot believe that they killed him.. just like that.. he got the heart.. it was great.. he proposed.. she said yes.. and BAM.. out of nowhere.. he's gone.. out.. "dunzo".. :( it's just wrong i tell you.. and out of my predictions.. ok, only 1 really came true.. #8.. but some others KIND of came true.. like #1.. ok, mcdreamy didn't TELL her he was still in love with her.. but come on.. it was all over his face.. and #4 izzie could have gotten suspended but she quit instead.. #5 i was right about burke.. yeah.. he made it.. but as a surgeon.. we'll see.. #6 cristina needs to understand what being a gf means.. seriously.. she's the most screwed up girl on that show.. yet she's the one with the guy.. a great guy.. goes to show you, doesn't it??

anyway.. since i'm on the "other-side".. i'll go and look for denny now.. i love him :)

oh dennyyyyyyy.. where are youuuuuuuu??
nounou :)

(i never said i was sane)

Monday, May 15, 2006

monday monday monday..

so it's monday and ewwww.. need i say more? i think not.. my weekend was ok.. i can't write much today because tonight is the season finale of grey's anatomy and for anyone that watches the show.. seriously, if denny dies tonight i will kill myself.. you heard it here first!!!!! just in case you don't hear from me for some time.. i'll find a way to contact y'all from the after-life.. deal? :)

this weekend was ok.. i watched United 93 yesterday and i'm not really sure what i thought of it.. i mean.. it was good in some ways.. it humanized EVERYONE which i was a bit surprised by.. and i don't know.. i think that it was a bit too early to make a movie about this.. but it's there.. and for people that are not too close to the events of the 11th, i think that it's a movie worth watching.. that's my two sense..

k.. well.. i'm off to jump up and down in front of my tv in the attempt to make 2 hours and 55 minutes go by much faster than possible..

bouncy bouncy,
nounou :)

oh.. before i go.. my prediction for grey's tonight.. i'm a drama queen so something tells me i'll be lucky if i get just one of these right!! :)
1. mcdreamy tells meredith he's still in love with her
2. addison tells mcdreamy she's pregnant with his child (you see, they can't let mcdreamy and meredith get together THAT fast)
3. denny does NOT die.. but he also doesn't get the heart from mercy west
4. izzie gets suspended and goes back to modeling (ahahahahah.. ok.. the second part is a joke)
5. burke makes it through.. b a r e l y
6. cristina realizes how much she loves him and he realizes that he needs to be with someone else (oh oh)
7. george dumps his nasty bigger than him girlfriend (fingers crossed!)
8. doc gets put down (he's the dog)
9. as does the vet (meaning bye bye chris o'donnell)
10. and finally.. mcsteamy comes back.. oh yeah baby!!!

let's see how well i do! :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

my new favorite person..

Can y'all guess who it is?? Nope.. not a family member.. and not a friend.. not even someone i knew 2 hours ago.. any guesses?? Ok.. my new immigration lawyer.. today, i love him.. and if it ends up working out for him i will post him on my website and link to his.. and make him famous (when i'm famous, that is).. :)

So.. it's possible that i might NOT have to leave the country for a few months.. and ok.. i know "possible" is not the same as absolute fact.. but this guy at least sees that as a potential possibility.. and i will know more about it next week.. but as of right now.. this very moment.. it's looking better than it has in weeks.. can't ask for more than that..

And anonymous.. you keep calling me "baby" yet i have no clue who you are.. so fess up.. mama.. you say it's not you.. so i'll believe you.. and i know pinky is too wicked (awesome) to write like that.. so whoever you are.. show thyself! :)

I'm off to salsa tonight.. yippeeeee.. and still trying to find a decently priced flight to nyc.. you'd think it would be easy.. i mean.. lax to nyc.. there should be BILLIONS of options.. low fares.. affordable fares, at least.. but you'd be wrong.. completely and totally wrong..

i'll walk if i have to,
nounou :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a day in the life of.. me

Hey everyone.. hope everyone's week is going well so far.. it's almost thursday so that should put a smile on all our faces.. at the very least the weekend's almost here!! :)

Anyways.. i haven't been blogging much recently.. i'm sure that you've noticed.. and there is an explanation for it.. i am just in the process of trying to figure things out.. i can't really get into details just yet.. but you already know that it's a visa issue.. i am meeting with yet another immigration lawyer tomorrow.. to get the final opinion.. and once i speak with him.. i'll have an idea as to what the next few months will be looking like for me.. I don't really expect him to disagree with what i've heard so far.. so i guess it's just the whole "finality" of it that i will be hearing tomorrow.. and then, of course.. telling my boss about it.. he still doesn't know.. but the rest of the team seems to be confident that my job will still be available come October.. even if i will have 3 months off in between... yeah.. that's what it's looking like will happen..

I'm not really as stressed as i thought i would be.. or maybe i just became really good at convincing myself to be cool, calm and collected.. i even have myself fooled.. now, that's impressive! :) But, well.. i know things happen for a reason.. and if this is what has to happen.. then hopefully i'll see the reason for it sooner rather than later..

So.. the boss doesn't know yet.. and southern comfort doesn't know yet either.. that should be a pretty awkward conversation.. it'll go something like this:
me: hey southern comfort, i need to talk to you about something
sc: sure.. what's up?
me: that whole visa thing that i kind of mentioned a few weeks ago is not looking so good..
sc: oh yeah.. meaning what?
me: i'm not even sure if this is a concern of yours since i'm not even sure what we are
sc: (look of oh no.. not THAT talk).. ok, so what's up?
me: i'm most likely going to have to leave the country for 3 months..
me: southern comfort??
sc: oh wow, i didn't see that coming.. so that's it?
me: yeah.. pretty much..

Ok, i am not being dramatic here or anything.. but the fact is that my next visa is not even 100% guaranteed.. and on top of that.. by the time i leave (early july).. if he's still around.. we'll have been dating for almost 4 months.. that's wayyyyyyy too early to test the waters with distance.. so i'll go to mexico.. and he'll stay here.. and if i come back.. i should say when i come back.. if he's still single.. and if i still like him.. maybe we can give it another shot..

So that's my life right now..

tune in next time for a special episode of "nounou and the INS" :)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

unchartered territories..

Happy Monday y'all.. yeah, that was purely sarcastic.. but still.. i hope that you had a great weekend and that all's well in your respective parts of the world :)

I don't have much to say today.. but one thing.. southern comfort is still around.. it's been 9 dates... or maybe even 10.. and i still like him.. and he still likes me.. and people, for me.. that's a bit of a record.. reality can never compete with the fantasy.. it's taken me a loooong time to figure that one out.. but reality is there.. right in front of me.. and maybe he doesn't have the "perfect words".. or maybe he doesn't say exactly what i want to hear.. but he is real.. and he knows my reality..

nounou :)

Friday, May 05, 2006

so i just realized..

that no one in beverly hills.. specifically on beverly drive speaks english.. just now.. walking down the street to fedex, i heard.. french.. arabic.. hebrew.. german.. farsi and a language i couldn't identify.. strange that it took me almost 5 months to notice that.. hmm.. wonder what that says about me!! :)

i'm almost out.. 30 more minutes to go and the weekend begins.. not that i have anything major planned or anything.. but that's never the point is it.. it's just that it's NOT work.. so it doesn't get much better than that.. :) i might be going to the movies with the roomie tonight.. to catch up on not having seen each other for almost two weeks.. yes, we live together.. but she works like a mad woman.. literally.. so this is "catch-up" time.. southern comfort is spending his evening with a bottle of tequila.. should i be jealous? ahahahahahah :)

tomorrow i'm not sure what i'm doing.. but i know that we will try to be hitting downtown la.. which means that i will be outdoors.. yippeeeee!! :) i need a tan.. i am way too white to be living in southern california.. and even more so.. way too white to be lebanese.. i am shaming my people here!!! :)

so i'm off.. hope everyone has a great weekend.. and if anything major happens.. you'll hear all about it.. i promise..

enjoy your cinco de mayo!
nounou :)

my first black eye..

I wish i had an exciting story as to how and when and the details of how i kicked their ass.. because there's NO doubt.. i would totally kick ass.. but it's neither here nor there.. here's the sad truth.. it happened in salsa class.. during the "roll".. my eye.. his elbow.. and let me tell you.. it's not looking too pretty.. so mama.. i'll be pirate jr. for a few days.. send me your patch! :)

Aahhahahahah.. so it's funny.. it hurts a bit.. but it's funny anyway.. today was a good day in general.. my mom's a-okay.. which is great.. and i was efficient at work.. and i got a black eye.. i can't get over it..

And here's a special shout-out on this cinco de mayo.. Alex, i wanted to wish you a super duper happy 30th birthday!! He just moved into his new place.. he's doing well at work.. he's hot stuff.. he sings.. he dances (do you??) i mean.. he's quite the package.. so congrats Alex.. i hope that each year gets better than the last!!!

And on that note.. i'm signing off.. to attempt to sleep.. my right eye is not cooperating with my attempts to close it.. but whatever.. i will have my way.. or in the words of metallica.. i'll "sleep with one eye open.."

pirate jr. nounou :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

and it's only wednesday..

Hey everyone.. so.. did i scare you away or are you still here?? Anyone.. i know Alex is still reading.. he likes "aggressive nounou".. ahahahahah.. oh well.. to each his own :)

So.. it's only wednesday and it's been a crazy week.. i want it to be friday more than i have wanted a friday in a veryyyyy long time (well, last week too, i guess).. so i flew back in on monday morning.. made it through immigration (a topic that i want to talk about but shouldn't right now).. went straight to work where on top of my super intensive work, was given a new project which entails going through hundreds of phone numbers.. thousands even (and no, i'm not kidding).. highlighting 16 "important" numbers.. and then inputing those into a database.. i know it doesn't sound like it's hard work or anything.. because it's not.. but seriously.. after looking at enough numbers.. your eyes start crossing and i have had a headache since monday.. ew..

That's nothing though in comparison to this.. my mom.. aka the pirate.. who got her eye surgery about 6 weeks ago went in for a routine check-up today.. she's been going every week since the surgery.. and it was all going well.. supposedly.. she went in today.. to find out that something was not going "as planned".. and that routine check-up resulted in an additional surgery which was performed today in the late afternoon.. as well as a sleepover in the hospital.. at least she's fine.. i spoke with her a few minutes ago.. she sounded groggy and a bit high.. but hey.. it's alllllll good.. and at least she doesn't have to get back into that "face down" position.. which she is super happy about!

So those are the nasties of the week.. now some of the good things.. you know.. i have to keep some sort of balance here.. i went out with southern comfort last night.. we went to some restaurant / bar thing on sunset which.. strangely enough.. had a mechanical bull!! No no no.. neither one of us rode it.. but i think that if i get enough shots in him.. he'd do it.. i think that he has the same plan for me though.. little does he know that i would NEVER.. ever ever ever.. and yes, i feel confident enough to say never :)

So.. it's all going well with southern comfort.. the "italian poet" (also known as the italian stallion.. or just alex.. he's commented here before so i feel like i can just say his name).. that i have written about in the past.. is finally back online.. he's been fixing up his new "flat".. cheerio mate! Ahahahhaaha.. but yeah.. so he's back.. online and in my thoughts.. but we'll see what happens there.. there are people that just say the right things all the time.. he's that person to me.. and now he owes me two things.. 1. THE email.. and 2. the mention he promised on his blog (and it has to be positive!).. :)

I'm off to bed early tonight.. it's not even 10:00 but i'm feeling a bit off.. the roomie's been working late nights again.. and in a few weeks some major decisions will need to be made about what the next few months look like for me.. i might need to leave the country.. and get my papers re-sorted out.. it's a long and complicated story.. that i will not get into right now.. but once again.. the big companies really do get away with everything.. including dumb-ass lawyers whose specialization is immigration supposedly.. i have yet to see proof of that.. oops, did i just say that??

Ok.. let me sign off before i start ranting..

barely legal.. nounou :)

Monday, May 01, 2006

trash talking..

So.. readers.. it's that time.. i'm taking out the trash!! This is going to be a new segment on this blog where i basically get to trash-talk anything or anyone.. i've done it in the past (aka home depot and whole foods).. but now we've got a whole new title for it.. so here's a list of my current grievances:

1. having a conscience that usually chooses "good" vs. "bad".. or in this case "legal" vs. not really illegal.. but borderline.. funny how it all ties in.. may 1st.. immigration reforms.. it's like the universe is working together.. but trust me.. everyone that's out there boycotting today in the States or in Mexico.. i am not saying this to offend anyone.. but i seriously believe that it's way harder to be here legally than not..
2. my previous employer who shall remain nameless but here's a hint.. they're a MAJOR financial institution.. two words.. 4 syllables in total.. symbol: the bull... it's funny, they hire most of their employees from abroad, yet have NO idea as to the workings of the law.. or at least.. pretend not to when it's convenient for them.. i can kind of see why people in the US are so lawsuit happy..
3. doing menial work.. anyone that's reading this that's thinking about going for higher education.. whether a masters or an mba.. maybe it's just brofo and i.. but i have YET to see that degree pay off.. no-brainer repetitive work.. and a crappy salary to boot.. can you tell i'm in a mood to complain today? :)
4. visas (enough said)
5. laundry.. actually just the folding part of it..
6. bills
7. turbulence on flights (today was really good actually.. i was so impressed.. go united's capt. thornton!!)

I have a lot more to complain about.. but i don't want to get that ball rolling too fast.. or else.. it will never stop.. i know myself.. so here's my action plan on how to snap out of this..
- take advil
- go home at 5:00 (my boss left at 1:30)
- put a load in the washer / dryer
- take a shower
- put on pj's
- listen to fun music
- try to stay up to watch "our husband" (my roomie and i share him) on the apprentice (aka: tarek.. hey.. he's lebanese too!!)
- go to bed early (i've been up since 3:30 LA time)
- and finally try to believe that everything REALLY does happen for a reason.. and it all works out for the best at the end of the day..

That last one.. i am the queen of preaching it.. so let's see if i can convince myself this one time..

preacher nounou