a day in the life of..

this blog was started just for fun.. that was then.. this is now.. things have been crazy the last few months.. but i am back.. in more ways than one :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

smooth talker.. that's me

So, i asked.. just like i said i didn't want to.. straight out at the most inappropriate time.. "so, are you dating anyone else?".. smooth talker that i am!! And i got this answer "no".. followed by an e-mail the following day saying that he has been out with a couple of girls one time a piece since our first date.. I have no issue with that.. since i have also been out with other guys up until a few weeks ago.. so no issues there, right??

Well well well.. here's where nounou the girl rears her annoying head.. southern comfort is a cool guy.. he's great in a lot of ways.. he's smart.. grounded (that's for you brofo).. and basically he's got his shit together.. even though he's only 26 (hey.. soon to be 27!!).. So.. back to me being a girl.. i asked a straight-forward question.. but the answer wasn't so much.. i mean.. i believe him.. i have no reason not to.. if he says he's not dating anyone else right now i believe that.. so why can't i just let it go?? Here's why.. because that wasn't the question i should have asked.. i should have asked him if he plans on dating anyone while he's dating me.. but that's taking things too far, isn't it?? Even i think it is.. so what's my point?

I don't have one.. as usual.. i won't ask again.. because that's it.. it's up to him to bring things up next time.. he knows where i stand on this issue.. and if he's on the same page as me.. then he will want to get this sorted out sooner or later.. silence is worth a million words.. so i'm hoping for words.. even if they're not exactly what i want to hear..

ears open.. nounou :)

Monday, April 24, 2006


Readers.. it's monday.. and my office is empty.. people are out doing stuff but i am here, sitting at my desk.. trying to get things done.. but i have this thought that keeps running through my mind.. i mean.. ok.. here's the deal.. southern comfort and i are going on date #7 tonight.. well.. not sure if we're going somewhere.. or if he's going to come over and we'll just hang out.. have dinner.. watch a movie.. and so on.. but here's the situation.. i mean.. what are we? Is he someone i'm just dating.. and if so.. am i supposed to be dating other people right now as well.. because i'm not.. and i don't know if he is.. i can't assume that he's my boyfriend because i'm guessing that's a whole other level.. here's how it goes in my foreign head:
1. meet someone (whatever way that may be.. online in this case)
2. go out on a first date
3. go out on a second date..
4. realize that you have a good time together on your dates.. and continue going on them.. still at just once a week..
5. start seeing each other more than once a week..

Since then.. he's met my friends.. taken me out on my birthday.. and i am pretty sure he's not dating anyone else.. but how would i know that without asking.. and then.. even better.. how do i ask without sounding like a total girl?? It would be way easier if i could just say "hey.. so.. you seeing anyone else".. straight-forward.. and i am still considering that option because i'm not so good at the games people play.. but i think that if time's taught me anything it's that those games are there for a reason.. you HAVE to play.. honesty is not as appreciated as you think.. guys want to have to chase you.. so you need to keep running.. or at the very least.. pretend to..

on the run.. nounou :)

Friday, April 21, 2006

ok.. so i lied..

i DO have a daughter.. she's not the one in the pic on the right.. but this is her pic here... she has been around for about 21 years now.. and today, my 1/3 turns 21!!!!!!!!! And people.. she is an awesome awesome girl.. she's smart.. super funny... a total freakshow.. super hot (even pinky, who's her cousin wants to date her!) and basically i'm a proud momma.. she wasn't always this way though.. i mean.. just go to pinky's blog and you will see what she really used to be like.. and people.. pinky's blog is SUPER accurate and does not entail ANY exxagerations.. seriously though!!!

Ohhhhhh.. but where to start.. i have no idea where to begin.. but here are some reya facts.. y'all ready??
1. when she was little she ate white rice with soy sauce.. she even had her own set of dishes at my house because she basically lived there
2. she blamed pinky for anything and everything that went wrong.. even when pinky was NOWHERE around.. don't worry though.. pinky got her back in a variety of ways.. picture a baby flying into their own playpen
3. on Halloween, she scared the crap out of herself when she saw herself dressed up as minnie mouse
4. on Christmas, when her dad was dressed up as Santa.. she had a heart attack and ran screaming from one room to the next to get away from him!
5. she would call me "momma" to get her way.. and that one she didn't admit to till a few weeks agoooooo!! i was fooled people..
6. when she was like 3 or 4 she got run over by her own christmas gift and to get revenge.. a few weeks later.. while visiting the afore-mentioned "criminal".. she got revenge by trying to drown her.. note: we didn't try to stop her.. it was pure entertainment for us
7. When she was 6 or 7.. that age where the rest of us look like we got hit in the face repeatedly by some metal object.. she was still cute.. even to the extent of having a "reya likers club".. oh yeah.. the boys in her class pooled their money together and got her a gift.. imagine that one????
8. she moved back home to Lebanon for a few years.. came back with an accent that we have NEVER let her live down..
9. she had her first zima in a dark park with a bunch of 15 year olds.. meaning she was like 8.. and she got drunk.. and we laughed
10. she's in college now.. and here's a quote "i got raped by my theology test".. know anyone else that expresses things that way?
11. she thinks that she's going to marry every single guy she dates.. and she thinks that pinky and i.. if we mention someone.. will be getting married to them too.. she's cute :)

Here's the thing though.. she gets away with everything.. because you let her.. because you want her to.. and the whole time you're rooting her on because she's just so adorable that you can't even imagine doors not opening up for her wherever she turns.. she's the baby.. and i'm the momma.. and i love love love her! :)

momma nounou

Thursday, April 20, 2006

just to blab...

So i turned a year older and i'm already slacking.. what's up with that??? Anywaysss.. it's been a looooooong week so far.. lots of things going on.. work-related.. lawyer-involving.. stuff i won't get into right now because i play the "if i don't talk about it, it's not real" game.. yeah.. it's mature.. and it works.. you should all try it :)

Other than that.. salsa classes start again tonight.. so it's back to basics which should be kind of slow.. but whatever.. at least we'll get that part down pat and when the complicated stuff comes in.. we'll be PROS.. that's in the land of nounou make-believe :) Also, some good news.. i'll be going back to Mexico next weekend.. i'm flying out of LAX at 11:59 pm on Thursday the 27th.. which gets me into Mexico City at like 5:45 am on Friday.. talk about taking advantage of a day off.. ahahahahaha :)

While i'm there.. i don't have much planned yet.. i just want to hang out with the family.. check out my mama's pirate eye.. and just you know.. be home.. it's fun to do that once in awhile.. and it will have been a bit less than 2 months since the last time (march 10th), which isn't so bad..

I guess i'm not really in the mood to write because the fact is this.. the topic that's on my mind is not something i can write about just yet.. no need to raise any more red flags.. but let's just say this.. it's unbelievable how complicated the US government makes things for us foreigners that are here LEGALLY.. that's the only thing i can say about that..

legal (so far) nounou :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

a day in the life of.. a 29 year old!

Today i turn 29.. and for all of you that remembered whether it was because you're just good peeps (that list includes family.. pinky.. reys.. jane.. elena.. jeremy.. alex.. ) or because you were constantly bombarded through my blatant msn advertisement (tabs, luis, vignal and everyone else).. THANKS! :)

It's been an interesting day so far.. it started off pretty early.. and will be ending with a trip to see the Dodgers play the Cubs.. that's southern comfort's idea for tonight and i think that it's a great one.. i haven't seen a game here yet.. so that will be fun! :)

It's almost 4:15 and i am almost done for the day (i hope).. and strangely enough.. i know it's my birthday because my phone never rings this much.. but it just doesn't FEEL like it is.. if that makes any sense.. in a way i like it better this way.. it's more chill out.. the day just flows.. and then you have moments of.. wait a second.. i was born today!! Just got one of those :)

I'll write tomorrow and tell y'all what 29 years old feels like.. but a shout-out to me can be found right HERE.. i guess that pinky has more energy to write today than i did..

the 29-year old brain :)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Tomorrow.. Tomorrow..

I turn older tomorrowwww.. it's only a dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy awwwwwwwwayyyyyyyyyyy.. (need i tell you which tune to sing that to??) :)

Anyways.. let me tell y'all (Houston in the house!) about my fun weekend.. as you all know, a bunch of us went out on friday night.. we were about 10 in total.. Clara flew in from San Fran.. so she was one of the few people that was from my side.. the rest are friends that i have here through my roomie.. and they are all awesome people.. so no complaints there.. anyway.. clara flew in.. and southern comfort joined as well.. and it was awesome.. everybody got along.. it all worked.. and that's before the margaritas came down.. after that, well we were like long-lost friends.. ahahahahah :)

Anyway.. right outside the restaurant, we saw a totally LA high-speed car chase.. it was great.. we didn't hear about it on any news channel though.. but since 10 of us did see it.. we know that it was real.. but then again, we did all drink from the same pitchers.. so who knows?? :) We got back to our place.. put on some salsa music.. had the guys dance a bit.. the girls put on a bit of a show... you know.. show off our salsa class moves.. it didn't look as great as you would have thought.. but i will pretend that people will not remember that part of the night because of the fact that it was past 2.. and people were trashed! :)

We ended up being 7 in our apartment.. and by the time i woke up.. 2 had disappeared.. the roomie and her visitor were still in bed.. mind you, it's about 11:30 at this point.. and they didn't get up till 1:00!! So.. clara.. and southern comfort and i hung out a bit and then he went home.. and clara and i spent the day shopping.. went to the movies.. came home.. put on pjs.. and ordered pizza.. could there be a better saturday than that?? :) I think not..

Yesterday i spent the day lounging.. and i know that i said that i would stop with my southern comfort tests.. but i can't help it.. and i know that i am setting him up to fail in some twisted messed up way.. but check out all the tests he's passed so far..
1. he calls when he says he will
2. he makes some sort of contact every day..
3. he opens doors.. is a total gentleman.. covers the bill without things being awkward..
4. he went to vegas after our first date and called me from the airport.. and then texted me during the weekend he was there! (that was HUGE for me)
5. he tells me things that i think he doesn't share with many other people.. not too much.. but at just the right level..
6. looks at me and pays attention when i talk.. even if i am saying the stupidest thing ever (which happens way more than it should)
7. came out with my friends and i on friday night.. and didn't try hard to blend in.. it just happened..
8. he's low maintenance.. he takes care of himself and is the most easygoing person i have EVER met
9. he's super confident in himself and that's super hot to me..

and finally.. i didn't know if there would be any form of acknowledgement on my birthday.. i was hoping for a card.. nothing more in reality since we already went out on friday night.. but last night.. i got a text saying.. "are you going to let me take you out for your birthday".. and people.. that's #10.. he's seriously surprising even me and my ridiculous tests..

still wowed.. 6 weeks in..
nounou :)

Friday, April 14, 2006

from "momma" to the "baby"

hey kiddo.. you get your own mention.. because you are absolutely right!! so i will say it loud and clear.. if there ever comes a day where i need to introduce you to your "daddy".. you get first dibs on opinions / feelings.. the reality is this though.. i'm not really worried about you because of the fact that you are more "accepting" than the rest (stop cursing me out everyone.. you KNOW it's true).. case and point.. "serbia" and any other guy before him.. you're just that way.. which is why i'm proud to be yo momma...

"momma" :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

T - 5 days!!!!!!!!!

People.. 5 more days to gooooooooooooooo.. can you feel the excitement.. are you ready?? Well.. neither am i.. so that makes at least 4 us (hey mama and pinky.. and random reader!).. Anyway.. i read something today that cracked me up.. and believe it or not.. it was actually written by someone we all know.. yes.. you guessed right.. the second place hula hoop olympics contender.. aka pinky.. just click right here.. and laugh laugh laugh.. she's a different kind of crazy i tell you!!

Oh well.. other than though.. it's been a pretty busy week.. i haven't gone to bed before 2 this week.. and trust me.. getting out of bed this morning was nasty and gross.. but here i am.. it's 2 hours into the work day and all i'm thinking is that it's time to go home and sleep!! Here's the thing though.. tonight is that salsa class i take.. and afterwards, we're hitting a salsa club.. so i need to find some way to get some energy into my system.. carbs you say????? Ok.. i'll get a sandwich for lunch.. NO PROBLEM! :)

Which is a smooooooooth transition into "bottomless pit syndrome" week.. i think that most girls know what i am talking about here.. it's like the week or a few days before you get your period where you can seriously eat forever... because nothing you eat is going to fill you up.. so you can just keep going and going and going.. OR.. you can just realize that nothing you eat will fill you up and therefore not eat.. which way do we think i'm going?

Hmm.. que mas? Let's see.. i have some other stuff going on.. but there's no sense in talking about it just yet.. southern comfort is coming out to dinner with us tomorrow night.. so this will be the meet and greet.. i NEVER EVER EVER introduce guys i am seeing to my friends.. it just doesn't happen.. and in reality.. i think that the only reason that i am semi-comfortable about tomorrow night is because this isn't really MY crowd of people.. they are all awesome.. and i really like them.. but they're more my roomie's friends.. so it's different.. if pinky were here.. or elena or jane or dima.. well, that would be a completely different story.. i'm still trying to figure out why i do that.. any opinions out there.. and pinky aka anonymous.. no more comments from you!!! :)

K.. well.. i'm off.. it's time to get some work done.. in mexico all my friends are off today and tomorrow beacuse of "semana santa" and at this moment i am super jealous.. those lucky bastards!!!

enjoy the rest of today y'all! .. that's a shout-out to the baby from the "momma" :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

one week to gooo!!

For those of you that don't remember my birthday this year.. there is NO excuse.. i am thinking of even attaching a signature at the bottom of my e-mails.. but that might be pushing it.. regardless though.. you know who you are.. well, in reality.. the people that forget don't read this blog.. so i'll stop with the threats :)

The week's been good so far.. a bit hectic at work.. but not out of control like it was last week and the few weeks before that.. which is a good thing, of course! :) Plans for this week include.. well.. for wednesday, it's cleaning time.. but the fun starts after that.. Thursday night we have our salsa class.. and even better than that.. we have tequila and the salsa club AFTER class.. it's going to be awesome.. :)

On friday night.. we're going to celebrate my birthday.. the reality of the situation is this.. my birthday falls on a tuesday and seriously it's NEVER on a weekend!! Regardless.. the roomie has a friend visiting her from san diego on friday night till saturday.. and it seems that he has a bit of a thing for her.. she, on the other hand.. does NOT feel the same way.. so she's basically trying to come up with plans which will give them as little "alone" time as possible.. ahahahahaha.. hence my birthday dinner.. which is happening on friday night.. at this place called the Spanish Kitchen.. which, strangely enough.. serves Mexican food..

After that.. a bunch of us will be coming back here for some dessert fondue.. picture melted chocolate and fruits being dipped into it.. YUM!! :) I think that we can also add some drinking games to that.. i should have been in a fraternity (and no, not a typo).. but it'll be fun.. southern comfort is joining as well!! I sent him an e-mail asking him if he'd be down.. but then followed it up with a one-liner saying.. don't worry about it.. basically because i know meeting someone's friends here in the states means something.. but whatever.. i'm going to introduce him as my friend.. even though, in reality.. that's not all he is.. but i think that him and i need to figure things out before really being "anything".. so that will be date #5!! Well.. not sure we can call it a date since there are about 8 other people going as well :)

It's a fun week.. bring it baby! :)

nounou :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

T - 8 days!!

I turn 29 in 8 days.. here's what my wish list of gifts includes (for anyone that is feeling generous):
- tickets to travel with (destinations include.. mexico city, nyc, paris, london, greece, jamaica.. in no particular order) well since this is a wish list.. why don't i just ask for my own plane.. ok.. so that's what i want.. my own plane.. with a pilot that will let me fly if i want to! :)
- my own island.. where i can fly all my friends over to party with..
- lots of money money money.. so that every single idea i have.. or anyone i know has.. can actually be funded..
- my own company.. not sure what yet.. maybe PR.. or event planning.. or a bed and breakfast
- a boyfriend that's super cool.. smart.. fun.. and that's madly in love with me.. and yeah.. my friends and family like him too..
- the perfect mascara (hee hee)
- no stress at all.. none whatsoever..

I'll be happy with two of those.. mascara will probably be one of them.. and we'll see what the second one is.. :) Until then though.. i'm cool with my friends actually remembering it's my birthday.. we'll see how it goes on the 18th.. and secondly.. if i decide to ask "southern comfort" to come out to dinner with my friends and i on friday night.. i want him to come.. and not to be all weirded out by it.. because of the fact that we've only been on 4 dates.. i don't think that's too much to ask..

i'll keep y'all posted,
almost 29-year old nounou :)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

soccer moms..

I have no issues with soccer moms.. none whatsoever.. but last night when i was out in Pasadena.. it's like i found their mecca!! Seriously.. a restaurant / bar filled with parents that lucked out in finding some teenager to watch their kids for the night.. and basically going ALL out since they never have that opportunity.. and i'm not exxagerating.. i was a bit taken aback when we first walked in and i was told.. and i quote "this was THE place to be in the 80's".. Ok, it's 2006.. and those same people are still in there!!!!!

After getting over the shock of that.. i just hung out.. with the people i went with.. we ended up meeting some guys.. well, they did.. i'm 10 years younger than the younger one.. so yeah.. i'm not into guys in their 40's or 50's.. and those guys definitely were.. so i kind of pretended that my cell phone was the most fascinating thing in the world.. and well, the text messages going back and forth validated that point :)

So.. as hard as i was trying to blend into my surroundings.. and not make eye contact with any of the guys in there.. i raised my head.. and smack in front of me was this guy doing some random "ass dance".. let me try to explain it.. it basically consists of shaking your ass around.. thinking you look REALLY good while you're doing it.. while in reality people are thinking.. "what the f**k??".. And of course.. this is the guy that wouldn't take no for an answer.. so i hit the dance floor with him to the beats of "brown eyed girl".. and his dancing just got wayyy worse as the song continued.. i have never been happier to have a song finish... no joke.. so i go back to my seat.. and they're all cracking up and asking what the hell that was about.. i had no answer.. i still don't! :)

So.. it's now like 1 something.. and most people are wasted.. i was driving.. so i just had that one glass of wine.. and it's amazing how different a night can be when you drink vs. being sober!! I got back on the dance floor.. they played some Usher.. so i had to get back in there.. and some kid starting dancing with me.. he looked like he was about 12.. ahahahaha.. it was ok though.. and highlight of my night .. this really tall guy comes up to me.. he's wasted.. reeking of alcohol.. stumbled over to me.. put his hand on my shoulder.. and goes "you're beautiful.. congratulations.. really congratulations".. So... there's nothing better than drunk congratulations.. how random..

So.. that was a part of my night.. then i got home.. decided to put a load of laundry into the new washer/dryer combo thing that we have.. and let me just say.. each load takes about 4 hours.. it's a nightmare.. in addition.. at about 3:30 am.. between the rinse cycle and the softener cycle.. i was in bed.. on the phone (that's a whole other story..) and all of a sudden i heard a war going on in my kitchen (that's where the w/d is).. so i rush in there.. and seriously.. it looked like the machine was possessed.. it was OUT OF CONTROL.. making such a commotion.. hitting up against the wall.. and it had completely moved out of its' space!!! So.. yeah.. i guess that's my payback to mr. "getting it on upstairs".. he has sex.. i do laundry.. ahahahahahaha.. i think we're even! :)

Ok.. well.. that's it for today.. i got to bed at about 6.. have been up since 9.. and am on my way out in a few minutes.. i think that i'll be in bed by like 10 tonight.. i'm going on 9 hours of sleep in 3 days..

nounou :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

it's been a looooong time..

..that i've felt anything "real" for someone.. that someone meaning a guy.. i mean.. i like guys.. obviously.. to hang out with.. have fun with.. go out with.. but it usually ends there.. i don't think of them as more than that.. i mean.. it's never a deep and emotional connection.. or at least it hasn't been for some time.. if ever..

which brings me to "southern comfort".. we had our 4th date last night.. he had a nasty day at work.. so i came up with the option of watching a movie at my place.. and all of you perverts.. don't get the wrong idea! :) so he came over.. at about 7:30.. i poured him a glass of wine.. i was already drinking one with the roomie.. who, by the way.. was getting ready to go out last night as well.. we drank.. played chess.. laughed.. basically had a great time.. and at about 9.. i put the movie on.. he has work early.. so i thought he'd want to be out early as well.. yeah.. i was wrong :)

we watched the movie.. hung out a bit more... the roomie came back.. hung out some more.. and then she went to bed.. at this point it's like 1:30 am.. and i'm still waiting for my first kiss.. waiting, yes.. because i am not a move-maker.. i don't have the balls (both literally and figuratively) to take that chance.. so i just gave him all the hints in the universe.. one of which was.. ok, it's been 4 dates, why haven't you kissed me? yeah.. i'm a smoooooth talker.. and so discreet to boot!! ahahahahahaah :)

after all the wine.. all the talk.. and everything else.. we were just hanging out.. it was a bit before 2:00 am (he had to be at work in 3 and a half hours).. and i don't know.. something shifted.. seriously.. and it happened.. my first kiss with southern comfort.. and people.. when they say the best things are worth waiting for.. it's sooooooo true..


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

once in a 1000 years!

So.. i'm sure most of you got that e-mail (courtesy of my mama the ex one-eyed pirate.. ahahahahaha.. congrats on the recovery!!).. the one that says that tonight at 1:02 am with 3 seconds the time will read 1:02:03 04/05/06.. get it? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.. for the people that don't want to think about it.. ahahahahah.. anyway.. supposedly this happens ever 1000 years.. so tonight's that night.. i have about 35 minutes to go before it hits LA.. this is history people!! :)

Other than that.. what else is new?? Hmm.. today was a nasty nasty nasty day at work.. i got out at 7:15pm.. vs. my regular 5:00.. not a good deal for obvious reasons.. but whatever.. maybe the rest of the week won't be so bad.. i will pretend that i believe that at least through tomorrow :)

I have my fourth date tomorrow night.. southern comfort and i.. and this is it people.. tomorrow is going to determine what the situation is.. you know.. what we are.. friends? friends with benefits? a potential boyfriend.. it's all up in the air.. and i guess this is the time that all those of you in relationships wish you could go back to.. the meeting someone new.. liking them.. not sure how they feel about you.. or even how you REALLY feel about them.. all the doubts.. questions.. the uncertainty.. one comment dissected a billion different ways.. yeah.. that's where i'm at.. and i'm not loving it.. it just takes a teeny tiny situation to throw this all off.. and i know myself.. if he doesn't do something to throw this off.. i will make something up.. that's my strategy.. it works like magic.. every single time.

Ok.. well.. i gotta go get ready for the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.. you know.. get out some champagne.. or wine.. or beer.. or better yet.. just stare at the clock till the magic number hits.. yeah.. that's what i'll do.. :)

till tomorrow!
nounou :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

birthday countdown

As promised, the birthday countdown is back people.. oh yeah.. T minus 15 days and i turn the big 29.. my last year in my 20's.. and i'm not really sure how i feel about that just yet.. i mean.. yeah.. i guess that there are certain things that i would have thought i would have accomplished by now.. which i haven't.. but there are other things that i did get done.. which i never really thought about.. so i guess it balances out.. or maybe that's just me trying to convince myself.. that's also very likely :)

I don't have much to say.. the weekend was good.. i think that we may FINALLY be done with painting.. so that's GREAT news.. :) And other than that.. we did some stuff around the house.. put up some cabinets and then some decorative stuff.. so it's been good all around.. the week is off to a super hectic / crazy start at work.. but i guess i need to get used to that.. it's been almost a month now..

What else? Hmm.. well.. i have date #4 with "southern comfort" at some point this week.. i think that it will be on wednesday.. since i'm busy thursday and friday and you will all get the low-down on that date.. if there is anything to share.. so far, it's been SUPER DUPER mellow.. but there's still potential for change..

Ok.. i'm signing off.. i'm mega boring tonight.. i know, a change from my usual HILARIOUS self.. you hear that pinky?? So hope you all had a great start to your week.. Congrats to the Gators.. first time NCAA champions! (for those of you interested)

nounou :)